PPsC Publication Resources

Below are resources for publications using Consortium-wide data. Please visit the main DPC page for additional resources.

Resources for Authors


Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE) 

NIH Publications List

PPsC Master List of Approved Research Topics 

DPC Resource Center

Click here to download any of the following resources:

  • Academic Resources by Hallmarks

  • CEC Products Definitions

  • List of Journals & Indexes

  • Definition of Biomedical Majors

  • Indexed Publications by Topic

DPC Hallmarks of Success


These are goals to achieve or move towards over the course of an academic program/career path of an individual pursuing a career in biomedical/behavior research. If a Hallmark is already at a high level, then maintenance is the goal. These Hallmarks are also used to guide the Consortium-Wide Evaluation (CWEP) spanning student, faculty/mentor, and institutional impacts.

See this link for more Hallmarks resources

Download Hallmark Mapping document to view survey items matched to Hallmarks

Enhance Diversity Study Surveys


These are surveys administered on behalf of the Consortium by CEC to study participants at 10 BUILD institutions as part of the national effort to learn more about student and faculty experiences with higher education, scientific research, mentoring, and career paths, among others. Use this link to access these surveys and related materials on the DPC Intranet


DPC Style Guide

How to use this Style Guide

This guide was created to facilitate the development of publications using Diversity Program Consortium (DPC) data and provide recommendations for describing some of the common terms associated with the consortium. It is divided into topic areas that should be considered when writing a document or giving a presentation DPC that will be available to the broader community. Each topic area may have a Background, Sample Text, and suggestions for what information to include or exclude (DPC Do’s and Don’ts). The Table of Contents is hyperlinked to allow for jumping to specific areas.

See the full text

For more information on the DPC PPsC, the publications proposal submission system, and related processes, please contact the PPsC Coordinator at publications@diversityprogramconsortium.org.